Sagar ( State Congress Committee working president Surendra Chaudhary said that the Shivraj government is risking the lives of citizens to save money. This was confirmed by the deteriorating condition of patients given injections of black fungus in Bundelkhand Medical College last week. He said that only the government is supplying anti fungal injections.
He said that the cost of injections administered till Friday to the patients of black fungus in Bundelkhand Medical College was around Rs 7,000. But the cost of the injections given on Saturday is said to be only Rs 324. This makes it clear that risking the lives of patients is being done by buying cheap injections. ( does not confirm this claim)
Chaudhary has demanded that a high-level inquiry should be conducted into the supply of injections in all government hospitals of the state including Bundelkhand Medical College.
If Bina Covid Hospital will not opened soon, congress will inaugurate
Questioning the delay in opening the temporary Covid hospital being built near Bina Refinery, former minister Surendra Chaudhari has said that crores of rupees have been corrupted in the construction of the hospital. The hospital has not been started yet despite numerous inspections by the Chief Minister, Union Minister, District Minister, MLA, MP, Collector, Commissioner etc. Chowdhari has warned that if the Kovid hospital is not started soon, then the Congress party will launch the said hospital.
Image Reference : In the virtual meeting of the National Executive of AICC SC Department, MPCC SC Department President Surendra Chaudhary represented the state.
विनम्र अनुरोध : सागर न्यूज़ को अपना सहयोग दें